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Friday, June 13

6:30am EDT

Morning Meditation: Ground & Focus with Taoist Wisdom FULL
Friday June 13, 2025 6:30am - 7:15am EDT
Early risers start your day right with a 20 mins of gentle stretching and a 20 mins meditation and contemplation of yogic wisdom practice. Meditation will be guided in the Sahm Je Taoist tradition. Easy for beginners and advanced meditators alike. Beginning your day with meditation is scientifically proven to improve your energy levels and focus throughout the day.

avatar for Andrew Tanner

Andrew Tanner

Founder, Berkshire Yoga Festival
Andrew Tanner is a global yoga teacher, men's mind/body coach, and public speaker known for his soulful style of teaching, and unshaken faith in people's ability to transform for the better. He has been offering holistic healing work and guiding people on spiritual retreat for over... Read More →
Friday June 13, 2025 6:30am - 7:15am EDT
Crane East - Sponsored by WellnessLiving 37 Corey Rd, Hancock, MA 01237, USA

8:00am EDT

The Key is Consent: Yoga & Thai Massage LIMITED
Friday June 13, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Our bodies require safety and security to relax and release. Finding stability in asana allows us to soften and relax. We will explore feeling into the boundaries of our yoga practice, using the breath as a felt experience of consent, building steadiness and clarity, then communicating that clarity in partnered poses.

We will continue to explore that communication and tenderness in a guided Thai massage sequence, all while exploring and elevating our understanding and experience of consent. Come with a partner, no experience necessary.
avatar for jean-jacques gabriel

jean-jacques gabriel

From his early childhood in Haiti, jean-jacques gabriel has been focused on seeing, shaping, and amplifying beauty, which he defines as “a mixture of what circumstance commands and infinity implores”. The son of painter Jacques Gabriel, jean-jacques painted before he could walk... Read More →
Friday June 13, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Potter Brothers - Sponsored by Buddha Pants 37 Corey Rd, Hancock, MA, USA

10:30am EDT

Sound Alchemy Experience FILLING
Friday June 13, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am EDT
Dive into an enchanting exploration of sound and vibration with Char Willingham and navigate through the mystical realms of sonic alchemy. This potent practice melds the profound wisdom of ancient traditions with the insights of contemporary science, allowing you to tap into the universal rhythms and unlock your true potential. Whether you seek relaxation, stress relief, or a deeper connection with your inner self, this event offers a unique space for expansiveness, spaciousness, and inward contemplation. Traverse the domains of sublime healing and bathe in the melodic orchestra of sacred instruments while experiencing the alchemical potency that harmonizes, uplifts, and revitalizes your whole being. Embark on this journey to set sail on your unparalleled sonic adventure.
avatar for Char Willingham

Char Willingham

Char Willingham (she/her) is a Bipoc Sound Alchemist & Practitioner Trainer, Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500, RPYT & YACEP), Movement Professional, Meditation Guide, Drumming, Sacred Cacao & Women’s Empowerment Facilitator.Char’s lifelong study of movement has taken her on an incredible... Read More →
Friday June 13, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am EDT
Thunderbolt Room - Sponsored by Andrea Fast Art

12:00pm EDT

Thai Massage and Myofascial Release FULL
Friday June 13, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Come explore the nexus of Thai Massage and Myofascial Release (with tennis balls). We’ll start exploring how focus work with tennis balls can facilitate targeted release and then continue the melting with a delicious Thai Massage sequence. No experience or partner necessary.
avatar for jean-jacques gabriel

jean-jacques gabriel

From his early childhood in Haiti, jean-jacques gabriel has been focused on seeing, shaping, and amplifying beauty, which he defines as “a mixture of what circumstance commands and infinity implores”. The son of painter Jacques Gabriel, jean-jacques painted before he could walk... Read More →
Friday June 13, 2025 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Potter Brothers - Sponsored by Buddha Pants 37 Corey Rd, Hancock, MA, USA

12:30pm EDT

✴️ Cacao & Tarot Circle FULL
Friday June 13, 2025 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT
Coming together in community to celebrate the act of ritual. Sitting with the plant medicine cacao, through meditation, card spread readings, journaling and voluntary sharing we call in energy to support us in letting go to better align with our most authentic selves.
avatar for Katelyn Ryan

Katelyn Ryan

Balance Cohassett
Friday June 13, 2025 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT
Sensory Sanctuary

2:30pm EDT

✴️ Elevating Consciousness Through Sound: Exploring Nada Yoga & Tantric Meditation LIMITED
Friday June 13, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Dive into the transformative practice of Nada Yoga, a profound branch of Yoga that channels the vibrational energy of sound as a tool for inner awakening. This workshop will guide participants through the ancient teachings of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Sutras, unveiling timeless methods to meditate on sound and resonate with its subtle power.
We’ll explore the evolution of Nada Yoga—from its classical roots in Tantric traditions to its modern adaptations, such as Sound Baths and Sound Healing. Participants will learn practical techniques to incorporate sound into their spiritual practice, unlocking harmony, deep focus, and a deeper connection with their yogic journey.
avatar for Vikrant Rana

Vikrant Rana

Boston Vibrations
Originally from Nepal, Vikrant (Vik) is a certified sound therapist trained in the ancient art of Nāda Yoga—the Yoga of Sound and Vibration. He is also initiated into the Shakta lineage of Tantra and serves as a teacher of classical Tantric Kundalini Yoga. A lifelong student of Advaita... Read More →
Friday June 13, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Sensory Sanctuary
  Community Event

7:00pm EDT

The BIG Rest: A Metta Inspired Restorative Practice FULL
Friday June 13, 2025 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” —Rumi

An opportunity to land, arrive and relax...
Relaxing our tension can help us expand our capacity to feel our compassion and our connectedness to ourselves and others. We are practicing relaxing and opening when we feel the impulse to do the opposite. We are practicing on our mats, so we can be more open and compassionate in the daily moments of our lives.

Metta (Lovingkindness) is an ancient technique that helps us expand our capacity to connect with our heart’s core qualities. Traditionally, it combines visualization with affirmations or prayers coupled with the practice of self-awareness.

In this practice, we’ll weave metta affirmations and blessings throughout our slow flow warm-ups and as we settle deeply into our restoratives. With a special focus on our lungs and heart center, we’ll expand our capacity to stay present and listen with our hearts, so you can continue releasing tension, find deep relaxation, and respond (not react) with awareness and compassion.

avatar for Jillian Pransky

Jillian Pransky

Jillian Pransky, author of Deep Listening, is an international presenter and a certified yoga therapist. Jillian is the creator of The Art of Conscious Rest: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training and teaches regularly at prominent wellness centers throughout the country including Kripalu... Read More →
Friday June 13, 2025 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Burbank Room - Sponsored by Himalayan Institute 37 Corey Rd, Hancock, MA 01237, USA
  Yoga, Restorative Yoga

8:00pm EDT

Sunset Aerial - Restorative with Yoga Nidra ($) FULL
Friday June 13, 2025 8:00pm - 8:45pm EDT
Let go of tension and surrender to a practice designed for deep rest and renewal. In this immersive experience, you’ll work with gravity, not against it, as you nestle into soothing restorative aerial yoga poses, each one held for several minutes to encourage a gentle unraveling of stress and a full-body sense of ease. Allow the silk to cradle you and offer you its soft support, while you melt into weightlessness, inviting deep comfort with every breath.
As movement fades into stillness, surrender to Yoga Nidra, a meditative journey that lulls you into a state of profound relaxation—one where the body rests, the mind unwinds, and the spirit reawakens. Emerge feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to float into the rest of your evening with lightness and clarity
avatar for Lora Markova

Lora Markova

Co-founder and Creative Director, Earth & Aerial Yoga
Lora is the co-founder and Creative Director of Earth & Aerial Yoga in Hudson, MA. Coming from a traditional yoga background, she has been practicing around the world for more than 25 years and teaching in Massachusetts for well over a decade. In 2012, she studied under Yoga Arts... Read More →
Friday June 13, 2025 8:00pm - 8:45pm EDT
Doc Maynards Pavilion 37 Corey Rd, Hancock, MA, USA
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Berkshire Yoga Festival 2025
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